ASIMCO Group's 2024 1H innovation Award Winners Announced

ASlMCO Group announced the winners of lnnovation Award 2024 H1. Among a total of 28 candidates, there were 12 Type-A traditional product, technique and equipment projects, seven Type-B digital projects and seven Type-C NEV projects. Finally, ASlMCO HO's management team came up with a list of six winners including the development and innovation project of engine suspension heat-resistance formula, DLC piston ring set development project of the engines with high thermal efficiency, Yuncheng casting digital project Seres N91 front control arm assembly, construction of digital production line for cooling plates, and air compressors in air suspension system.


This year's candidates become increasingly automatic, digital and NEV-related, which set themselves apart from their peers in 2023. This is a positive trend. We congratulate all award -winning teams and feel proud of every employee participating in the innovation projects.


Innovation, as a time-consuming process, would be impossible without a down-to-earth attitude before a problem is solved and without technology and groundbreaking thoughts before the ways to change and create are figured out. ASlMCO Group seeks to create a favorable environment where all innovators can bring their talents into full play and everyone is encouraged to participate in innovative activities. We hope to see more excellent and valuable projects in the future.