Cummins and ASIMCO Striding toward New Energy Track Together

Cummins-ASIMCO new energy business meeting was held in ASIMCO Anhui on October 19, 2021. This is ASIMCO Group's first communication meeting of new energy vehicles with its strategic client. The participants at this meeting includes the related heads of Cummins' new energy division and ASIMCO Group’s CEO, VP of Marketing and VP of Manufacturing Support, as well as the general managers of all the operating companies.


As the world's engine technology leader and largest internal combustion engine manufacturer for commercial vehicles, Cummins has maintained strategic partnership with the group for years, and the group is a supplier for Cummins's engine business in China and abroad.


In the face of dynamic development in new energy sector, the group is seeking to make a possible breakthrough in the central area of new energy power system. At this meeting, the team from Cummins introduced the current development of hydrogen-fuel cell industry and the industry development trend in the context of "carbon neutrality" and "peak emission". Two parties explored some in-depth topics in the course of communication.


To stay ahead of market and get fast adapted to market changes, all the operating companies will organize a new energy team comprising the members from engineering, R&D, sales and other functions so as to deliver the client needs timely and stride toward the new energy area with clients.